Threat Intel Reports
This page will have up to date Intelligence reports on recent attacks, groups and detailed full reports can be downloaded in PDF format. The most recent reports on the top and oldest on the bottom. Reports will contain Description, Confidence, Attack-Pattern, Indicators, Observables (IP, Domain and Hashes) and external article references.
NOTE: Intel Reports have been discontinued in favor of our own automated Live Report Feed Page. You can see these reports live in our OpenCTI Public Threat Intel Platform by clicking the link at the bottom of each Blog Post.
USEFUL TIP : Search this page for Keywords to find report that interests you. Newest Reports at the top of list.

Report-The Mahagrass Organization (APT-Q-36) uses the Spyder downloader to deliver the Remcos Trojan
Report Guarding Against the Unseen Investigating a Stealthy Remcos Malware Attack on Colombian Firms