OSINT Web Check Analyzer

So I stumbled upon a wonderful Open Source project on Github, that somehow had over 6k+ stars, and I missed it! This little Gem was written by a brilliant young lady named Alicia Sykes. You can read more about this young accomplished software engineer here.
What really struck me about this Web Site/Domain check tool, was its robustness and the amount of great analysis data! You can see by the above screen shot, what it checks, all within 10 seconds. There are many commercial sites and tools I have come across that do not even come close to the useful information this Self-Hosted tool can provide!
So, with that being said. I give to you the newest NetmanageIT sub-site, our new OSINT Web Domain analysis tool! Thank you Alicia! I personally will be using this a lot myself, and was a piece of cake to spin up and configure.
Once you visit our new site, you simple enter a URL/Domain and click Analyze and you will be greeted with a ton of information about that web server. In this example I used www.linkedin.com . The screenshot doesn't even capture half the returned data with all the checks, but you get the idea.

I get the feeling, this will be one of the more trafficked sites in our portfolio. It saves alot of time vs visiting dozens of individual testing sites, to get all the data that is returned in this tool in 10 seconds!
If you have any comments or feedback, or think this is a useful tool, please let us know! Visit the site by clicking the button below!