Hidden in Plain Sight: ErrorFather’s Deadly Deployment of Cerberus

NetmanageIT OpenCTI - opencti.netmanageit.com

Hidden in Plain Sight: ErrorFather’s Deadly Deployment of Cerberus


This report examines a campaign called 'ErrorFather' that utilizes an undetected variant of the Cerberus Android Banking Trojan. The campaign employed a sophisticated multi-stage dropper technique to deploy the malicious payload, which incorporated features like keylogging, overlay attacks, VNC, and a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) for resilience. Despite being based on leaked Cerberus code from 2019, this variant successfully evaded detection, highlighting the persistent threats posed by retooled malware. The report provides a detailed technical analysis of the malware's functionality and the campaign's tactics.



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Hidden in Plain Sight: ErrorFather’s Deadly Deployment of Cerberus