Hackers Hijack JFK File Release: Malware & Phishing Surge
NetmanageIT OpenCTI - opencti.netmanageit.com

A potentially growing cyber threat campaign has been uncovered surrounding the release of declassified JFK, RFK, and MLK files. Attackers are exploiting public interest in these historical documents to launch malware campaigns, phishing schemes, and exploit attempts. Within days of the announcement, suspicious domains were registered, seemingly designed to impersonate legitimate sources. Key attack vectors identified include malware-laced files, fake phishing websites, embedded browser exploits, and email-based phishing attacks. The campaign highlights the swift adaptability of cybercriminals to real-world events and the importance of cyber resilience against social engineering tactics. Users are advised to verify sources and access files only from official government websites to mitigate risks.
phishing,malware,social engineering,ransomware,spyware,domain spoofing,cyber threat,declassified files,historical documents,trojans,jfk files
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Hackers Hijack JFK File Release: Malware & Phishing Surge